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5 thoughts on “Comments


    Submitted on 2012/07/27 at 12:22 pm

    As wr wb. Masha Allah its great to see Chatterbox progressing so well! Indeed home-schooling is a very rewarding experience. As a home-educator myself and having previously sent my children to Islamic schools before, I feel a sense of achievement when my kids re-iterate something they’ve learned without me realising it. I would recommend home-schooling to everyone, over Islamic-schooling because it gives the parent and child something that schooling cannot – that sense of achievement that I regularly feel. Though my children are quite a bit older than both Chatterbox and Terror, you blog has made me re-think a bit about the way in which my kids are learning. I started off with my first child doing many creative activities-we did many lapbooks and other bits and bobs that my second child was deprived of, even though she is the creative one out of the two. We are on a break at the moment, but insha Allah i intend to do a lot more creative work with them in the new academic year.

    Jazak Allah khayr for this blog. It remind me of when i first started home-schooling all those years ago! Keep up the good work insha Allah

    ws wr wb

  2. kidshomeschool


    Submitted on 2012/08/05 at 5:05 pm | In reply to Umm Suhaym.


    Aww Jazakallah Khair Umm Suhaym. Very much appreciated. Indeed that is what I enjoy about it the most too, that sense of acheivement for us mothers, like the B&Q advert ‘I did that’, lol.

    I try to be creative with Chatterbox, but I have to say he hates art! He’d much rather write, so I guess thats good for me :p

    Anyway once again Jazakallah Khair for your lovely message.


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